Why do we go in mission and ministry? We are the hands, feet and voice of Jesus, the Body of Christ set loose in the world. Our ministry continues the ministry of Jesus. Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth….” We go in mission and ministry to make that prayer a reality.
Liturgists –
During the 9:00 am Sunday worship, you will see the liturgist sharing worship leadership with the pastor. This is an important role and all ages are welcome. Contact Sue Buckel if you are interested.
Ushers and Greeters –
These people provide warm hospitality for anyone who walks through the door on a Sunday morning. They also provide refreshments for fellowship time between services. Contact church office for more information.
Music Chancel Choir is open to anyone high school age or older who loves to sing. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at in the Sanctuary. The Choir sings most Sundays September-May for 9 am service. Opportunities to provide solos or ensembles are available during the summer months and special services. Choir director/accompanist is Barb Shultz.
Bulletin and newsletter printing and folding –
Extra hands make light work, and that is especially true as Brianne makes our printed communications happen. Let her know if you can join her in that endeavor!
Prayer team –
Each week, our prayer team prays for all the people (and their families) who have signed the register of friendship earlier in the week. This is a powerful ministry that wraps the people of our church in healing prayer. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact Dawn Parker.
Thrift Store –
This is a Church Women United project that invites both men and women to get involved. Located at 525 Brooks Road, the Thrift Store accepts household and clothing donations that are then sold very reasonably to those in need. Over $1 million has been given back to the community by CWU. For more information, contact Dorothy Davenport.
Meat and egg pick-up –
Smithfield Foods Mason City, sends several pounds of meat, and Opal Eggs sends eggs to Iowa Falls monthly. The meat (as well as eggs) are distributed among area churches.
Angel Project – Each December, you have the opportunity to buy a gift for a child. This year it will be a monetary gift given to the School Nurse Fund
Prayer shawl/blanket ministry –
These gifts are given to those who are struggling with health issues and those who are grieving. They are often given as baby gifts for newborns. Contact Kathy Broer for more information.
Boy Scouts-
This group meets in our church. Contact Duane Schultz
Audio/Visual (AV) Tech team –
Audio/Visual (AV) Tech team –
Our weekend worship services cannot happen without the powerpoint and sound system running smoothly. The 9:00 am Sunday service is lived streamed to FaceBook and Youtube and is broadcast later in the morning on the local Mediacom channel at 11 am. These services are also needed for weddings and funerals. Want to be part of the action? Contact Jane Schultz
Pork dinner – This meal is a fund-raiser held in October, but it is so much more than that. The relationships that are developed and nurtured are priceless. Contact Linda Scallon for more information.
Little Free Food Pantry located on the north side of First UMC gets a lot of use. If you’re so inclined while shopping, pick up something extra to be shared in the Pantry. You may either leave it in the Pantry or bring it inside to be distributed as space allows. Thank you in advance!
Office food pantry – The closet across from Office Manager’s office is a small food pantry to help those in need who come through our doors. Its constant use means that it needs constant restocking. Bring food and hygiene items to Office Manager Brianne Schipper
MICA food bank –
Our church collects food and paper items for the MICA food bank three times each year (January, May, and December).
Do you see a need in our church and community? God may be nudging you to do something about it! Talk to a member of the clergy team or find another like-minded person to join you in ministry. We are a permission-giving church, which means if God is calling you to start a new ministry, go for it!