Pathway to Discipleship in IFUMC
The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The vision statement of our church is that we make disciples by Gathering, Growing, Going and Glowing to the Glory of God.
A “disciple” is a person who makes a daily decision to follow The Way of Jesus Christ by loving God and loving others. This is the process that transforms us into the likeness of Christ over the course of a lifetime. As we are transformed, we transform the world.
Discipleship is not an isolated endeavor. It is a journey with brothers and sisters in Christ within the church, the beloved community. We are transformed by grace as we participate in the spiritual practices of prayer, presence, gifts, service and witness.
With this in mind, discipleship in First United Methodist Church looks like an on-going process of taking the next step on the journey of faith by:
Gathering for worship weekly.
Growing in a small group at least once per year.
Going in mission and ministry within our church and beyond our church walls at least once per year,
Giving generously and proportionally of time, talent and treasure,
Glowing as we invite others to join us in the life of the church.