Lenten Study – Everything in between
This Lent, we are invited to explore the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and
openness to be transformed. Each week we will explore two supposed binaries, like faith and
works, or rest and growth, or grief and hope. We often consider these ideas to be opposing,
However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures, we find nuance and complexity.
We find that these dichotomies are false. We might begin to see a full spectrum instead of black
and white. We might find God is present in between. We will meet Tuesday evenings at 5pm in
the conference room, March 4 through April 15.
Thank you to everyone who helps keep the Food Pantry stocked and ready to help the next needy neighbor.   Many of you specifically fill the the Little Food Pantry outside with items; others bring monetary donations to the church office so we can purchase items as needed.   Both ways work great!  Just a reminder:  As we move into the winter season we need to make sure items can endure the freezing weather so remember items can be brought to church office to distribute to appropriate locations.